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Measurement from occiput to stop and stop to end of nose, equal or slightly shorter.

Measured at purchasing-power parity, China's share of the world economy is already much closer to the rich countries' (see chart 1). 如果用购买力平价来衡量,中国占世界经济的份额已经接近富裕国家(见图1)。
Measured data show that the regulation works of Hechangzhou braided channel intrance has attained predicated effect. 工程后的实测资料分析表明,和畅洲左汊口门控制工程达到了预期的整治效果。
Measured in bits per second per square meter, it is a gauge of “data intensity” in much the same way that lumens per square meter determines the illumination intensity of a light fixture. 这个「资料强度」的测量规格,以每平方公尺每秒的位元数作为单位,就像每平方公尺的流明决定了灯具的照明强度。
Measured in blood by laboratory to assess function of liver. 在实验室由血液检测中评估肝功能。
Measurement Insight: The purpose of measurement is insight. 测量洞见:测量的目的就是获得“洞见”。
Measurement from occiput to stop and stop to end of nose, equal or slightly shorter. 从后枕骨到头峰与头峰到鼻尽端等距或稍短。
Measurement inconsistency arises from a variety of causes, most of which occur only occasionally, if at all, in short-term or experimental studies but are almost inevitable in long-term studies. 测量的不一致性因多种原因而产生。其中大多数即使出现,也只是在短期或实验室中偶然出现,但是在长期实验中不可避免。
Measurement instrument management, ensure to use the validated and qualified measurement instruments. 对公司的计量工作进行管理,确保有效合格的检测仪器仪表被使用。
Measurement of the amount of heat evolved or absorbed in a chemical reaction, change of state, or formation of a solution. 反应热测量对某一化学反应过程、状态变化过程或一溶解过程释放也或吸收的热量所作的测量
Measurement of the surface gloss of all kinds of metallic materials and their coatings. 各种金属材料及其涂镀层表面的光泽测量。
Measurement of the temperature field of aluminum alloy of different thickness on laser welding with high-temperature thermocouple, analysis of influences with different position, power. speed, with metal powder, thickness were evoluated in this paper. 摘要利用高温热电偶检测异厚度铝合金激光拼焊时的温度场,分析不同检测位置、激光功率、焊接速度、添加粉末、板材厚度对温度场的影响。

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