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I sent a message to Mary via her brother.

I sensed a touch of irony in his remarks. 我感觉到在他的话里有一些讽刺意味。
I sensed a wrongness around me, like an alarm clock that has gone off without being set. 我觉得周围的气氛有些不对劲,就像一只闹钟,没上闹条就响了。
I sensed the danger inherent in over reliance on a single customer base. 我觉得过度倚赖一家客户会有危险,于是著手拓展客源。
I sent Joe along to sus out the possibility of doing a deal with them. 我派乔去了解一下与他们做一笔交易的可能性.
I sent a message to Alice via her sister. 我通艾丽丝的姐姐把信息传给她。
I sent a message to Mary via her brother. 我托玛丽的兄弟把信带给她。
I sent a message to Mary via her friend. 我通过玛丽的朋友带信给她。
I sent a money order for $1,000 to China Bank four weeks ago and China Bank says they never received it. 我在四个星期前寄了一张汇票到中国银行,但中国银行方面说他们从来没有收到过我的汇票。
I sent a present to him for thanks his help. 我送给他一份礼物以回报他的帮助。
I sent a telegram to my mother saying that I had arrived safely. 我给母亲发电报说我已安全抵达。
I sent e-mails and made phone calls to several prospective employers. 我给几个有希望雇用我的雇主发电子邮件,打电话。

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