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The domestication strategy gives privilege to mutual benefits, harmony in difference, difference and development of advantages, new frontiers and comprehensive innovations, which is the only way to construct a new pattern of world cultural in the context

The domestic enterprise that sells assets shall, within 10 days as of the day when the resolution on the sale of assets is made, send written notices to the creditors, and promulgate an announcement on a newspaper at or above the provincial level which is 出售资产的境内企业应自作出出售资产决议之日起10日内,向债权人发出通知书,并在全国发行的省级以上报纸上发布公告。
The domestic market share of sedan, light and mini vehicles is around 20%. 产品在国内轿车、轻微型车配套市场占有率达20%左右。
The domestic mineral resources are abundant , there are coal, iron, copper, gold, aluminium vanadium and soil,etc., Welcome the knowledgeable people make the investment to develop. 境内矿产资源丰富,有煤、铁、铜、金、铝钒土等,热忱欢迎各界有识之士投资开发!
The domestic rabbit has no pathology after dissecting thoracic cavity which infected the virus in 55d. 经病毒感染55天后家兔解剖胸腔无病理变化。
The domestic, ecological, touristic and industrial water demands etc. are increasing gradually along with the developments of both the economy and tourism therein. 随著社会经济和旅游的发展,生活、生态、旅游、工业等用水的需求日渐增加。
The domestication strategy gives privilege to mutual benefits, harmony in difference, difference and development of advantages, new frontiers and comprehensive innovations, which is the only way to construct a new pattern of world cultural in the context 实施“和而不同”的互体互用、体用结合,尊重差异、拓展优长,另辟蹊径、综合创新的本土化策略,理当成为人类建构全球化语境下世界文化新格局的必由之路。
The domicile of a legal or other organization is at the place of its principal business establishment. 法人和其他非法人组织以其主要办事机构所在地为住所.
The dominance index is often contrary to the diversity index, index of diversification and evenness index in change rules. 优势度指数常常与多样性指数、多样化指数、均匀度指数的变化规律相反。
The dominance of coca cultivation over other local cash crops and the degree to which the harvested leaves are utilized for the U.S. drug trade point to a three-tier regional classification of cultivation areas. 可可种植的优势超过其它当地经济作物,以及收割叶子的程度是用以美国毒品交易从聚集点到一个三层区域的分级耕种区。
The dominance species were different in gaps of different sizes, but were mainly composed of intolerant species. 不同大小级林隙内的优势种不同,以阳性树种占大多数。
The dominanceof tea over coffee in the British Empire canbe traced to the failure of coffee in British Ceylon in the 1870s due to infectionwith leaf blight, caused by the fungus Hemileia vastatrix. 在大英帝国时期,由于感染了由真菌咖啡锈病引起的枯叶病,茶叶的优势超过咖啡可以被追溯到十九世纪七十年代英国在锡兰种植咖啡的失败。

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