But, the pregnant woman should not clean cat's litter box (where cats dispose waste).
所以我妻子从不清洁猫砂盆,我干这事。更重要的是我们没有送走猫们。我的女儿和5只猫一起成长着。 |
But, the problem is worse in Southeast Asia.
但是问题最严重实在东南亚。 |
But, the regulation-breaking in our national policy end had affected its advancement and the course of revolution.
但是,当前我国政策终结失范影响了政策终结工作的推进,从而影响了改革的进程。 |
But, the sabbath, through the work of Jesus, reached new heights.
但安息日因为耶稣的劳动而到达了新的高度。 |
But, the silver lining, if you wanna see it, is that he made the decision all by himself without any outside help whatsoever.
但是,事情总有好的一面,如果你愿意这么看,他完全是自己做出这个决定,完全没有受外人的影响。 |
But, there are not a lot of new drugs.
鉴于中国人群高血压的情况,或许是一个重要的潜在药物。 |
But, there in the friend's house was a new world of music.
但是,朋友的家却是一个音乐的新世界。 |
But, they live in two world.
可是,它们活在两个世界。 |
But, they require intensive management and may not be well suited for a central bank.
不过,它们要求更细致的管理,可能不适合于央行采用。 |
But, they were unable to eliminate potential confounding from the use of antibiotics for wheeze-related respiratory illnesses that precede asthma.
但在发生哮喘前其他呼吸系统疾病造成呼吸困难而使用抗生素可对研究结果产生干扰,而流行病学研究的研究者们并不能排除这种干扰。 |
But, they\'ll end up much better off waiting on warmer, drier conditions than trying to force the crop in, according to an Iowa State University ag meteorologist.
但是他们最好耐心的等待更加温暖干燥的天气而不是试图强行播种。 |