Due to their high cost, limited range, and limited utility, they are rarely used in modern loudspeaker equipment, and are instead considered a novelty, perhaps with desirable aesthetic characteristics.
由于价格高,频率范围有限,用途较窄,在现代的扬声器系统中很少使用,往往被当作一种新奇的有审美价值的玩意儿。 |
Due to their high purity and surface area, CIPs are excellent supplements for food and pharmaceuticals.
由于微米、纳米级羰基铁粉既有颗粒细、纯度高、比表面积大,又易被人体吸收,是理想的富铁营养补充剂的铁源。 |
Due to their size, these patterns could only be fully taken in aerially.
因为範围广大,只有从空中鸟瞰才能看出图案全貌。 |
Due to this discussion the term informaladult education became enlarged and is now comprising all phenomena of the media and daily life environment, whereby adult education almost en passanthappens.
现今对于「非正式成人敎育」一词的讨论已经产生了扩大化的现象,举凡媒体以及日常生活环境的所有现象均涵盖于其中,成人敎育亦几乎跟随著非正式成人敎育的脚步前进。 |
Due to this harsh reality, the German Economic Minister Wolfgang Clement has finally broken a taboo and brought the problem of East German reconstruction to the table.
因此最近德国经济部长沃夫冈?克雷门特终于打破禁忌,将德东重建问题搬上檯面。 |
Due to this perhaps we indulge in various activities, which are a wholesale waste of time.
于是我们沉迷于各种各样的活动当中,浑然不知其实正在浪费时间。 |
Due to this point, we take pride to every Customer: the best China slate, competitive price in the world.
正是由于这一点,我们可以自豪的为每一个客户做到:中国最好的板岩,世界最具竞争力的价格! |
Due to this sort of double selecting mechanism, it could be inferred that the emergence of internet is expected to exhibit more polarizing than homogenizing effect on manpower redistribution in the Taiwanese labor market.
依研究初步成果及既有劳工流动文献的发现,我们可间接推论在劳工流动及资讯运用的双重选择性机制下,台湾的劳动市场人力配置预期将会进一步呈现两极化的现象。 |
Due to this the Company is badly in need of money.
因为这个原因,公司极其需要资金。 |
Due to this, one\'s own personal problems are out of sight, because all the time one\'s mind is thinking of completing the undertaken tasks.
由此,一个人就看不到自己的个人问题了,因为所有的时间他的心里都在想如何完成承担的任务。 |
Due to this, the phenomenon also has arosen widely attention of domestic sociology scholars.
由此,“丁克”家庭也引起了学者们的关注。 |