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A broad-ranging sample that demonstrates how to inject your application into the clipboard viewer chain using either a subclassing control or with native VB5 subclassing.

A broad mind lacks focus. 宽广的心灵缺乏专注。
A broad neck scarf knotted so that its ends are laid flat with one end upon the other. 领巾式领带一种打结的阔领带,一端压在另一端上以使两端平展
A broad system of theoretical assumptions that a scientific community uses to make sense of a domain of experience. 范式,是科学界用来解释某个领域的经验的一种广泛的理论假设系统。
A broad usage in the low-voltage insulation lines,leading the branch connection from the main conductor;T-connection of low-voltage insulation wire serice and cable branch connection for the building distribution system. 广泛应用于低压绝缘线路以主线上引出分线的连接,或用于建筑配电系统中低压绝缘线与电缆分支线的T-连接。
A broad, level, open expanse of land. 原野,旷野一宽广的、水平的、开阔的土地
A broad-ranging sample that demonstrates how to inject your application into the clipboard viewer chain using either a subclassing control or with native VB5 subclassing. 这个例子演示了如何将你的应用程序放入剪贴板查看器,使用一个子类化的控件或用本地VB5子类化。
A broadcaster or writer who reports and analyzes events in the news. 评论员在新闻中报告和分析事件的广播员或作家
A broken bone can heal, but the wound a word opens can fester forever. 骨头断了可以治愈好,但是言语造成的伤害将会一直恶化下去。
A broken metatarsal in December 2005 put him out of the reckoning at Chelsea and last season came to a premature end when he was diagnosed with glandular fever in March. 2005年12月的跖骨骨折让他没能参加核切尔西的比赛,而在被查出患有传染性单核白细胞增多之后,他的整个赛季也在3月过早的结束。
A broken metatarsal sustained in a clash with Spurs stopper Paul Robinson in December 2005 ruled him out until the last day of that season before disaster struck against Sweden at the World Cup last June. 在2005年12月与马刺比赛中与罗宾逊的碰撞受伤后便一直缺席那个赛季的比赛,而到去年世界杯上与瑞典的比赛中由于韧带受伤更是毁灭性的。
A broken spirit dries the bones. 忧能伤人。

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