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Vague atypical chest discomfort is also common in those with isolated atrial tachycardia in the absence of significant underlying heart disease.

Vacuum, gravity flow, and other solids discharge, according pipeline flow chart meters (PID) equipment layout of the elevation requirements. 对真空、重力流、固体卸料等情况,一律按管道仪表流程图(PID)的标高要求布置设备。
Vader murdered Ozzel and appointed Piett to the post of admiral. 震怒不已的维德立刻处决的欧兹,并让皮耶特接替了上将的职位。
Vaginal epithelial ovarian endocrine by the direct impact of their level of maturity and intimate person hormone levels were positively correlated. 阴道上皮受卵巢内分泌直接影响,其成熟程度与体内此人激素水平呈正相关。
Vaginal exfoliated cells of the vast majority of cervical and vaginal epithelium, is rare in endometrial cells. 阴道脱落细胞绝大数是宫颈及阴道上皮,较少见的是子宫内膜细胞。
Vaginas are notably acidic environments. 阴道有明显的酸性环境。
Vague atypical chest discomfort is also common in those with isolated atrial tachycardia in the absence of significant underlying heart disease. 在无重基础性心脏病的特发性房性心动过速者中也常见不明显非典型性胸痛。
Vague or subconscious reasons prompting you to act may conflict with your sensitive feelings. 模糊或潜意识的原因促使你做出的行动会是与你敏感的感受起冲突的。
Vague plane colour piece with wave sprinkle use pen complement each other , in moistening , it is peaceful to produce , install Mi atmosphere. 模糊的平面色块和挥洒的用笔相得益彰,在滋润中产生宁静、安谧的氛围。
Vague text refers to the text with semantic indeterminacy. 摘要模糊语篇是指语义不确定或模糊不清的语篇。
Vaguely ethnic, but beyond that, indeterminate. 很难判断他是什么人种。
Vaidhyanathan, Siva. The Anarchist in the Library.2002. 图书馆的无政府主义者〉2002。

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