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At this speed in the atmosphere, everything blurs and clouds and surface features cause disorientation and a corresponding reality shift.

At this rate, we shall soon be bankrupt. 这样下去的话, 我们很快就要破产了.
At this rate, we will increase the capability of these technologies by a factor of 1,000 in less than a decade and by a billion in 25 years. 照这个速度下去,不到10年,这项科技的产量就会增加1000倍;25年后,则是10亿倍。
At this school, only ten people passed the music examination this year. That may seem a small number but it's(about) par for the course. 今年这所学校只有10人通过了音乐考试。人数看来太少了,但这却是意料之中的事。
At this second appearing to take the oath of the Presidential office there is less occasion for an extended address than there was at the first. 在这第二任的就职宣誓典礼中,并不需要像第一任就职时那样发表长篇演说。
At this site the levels have been recorded as high as 67 decibels. 这个地方被记录的噪音水平高达67分贝。
At this speed in the atmosphere, everything blurs and clouds and surface features cause disorientation and a corresponding reality shift. 在大气层中以这种速度旅行,一切都会模糊一片,云和地表特征会使你迷失方向,并且对应的现实转换了。
At this stage I begun to combine all element to see the overall composition. 在这里我开始把所有的元素放在一起来观察整体作品的效果。
At this stage of the lecture, I must highlight the greatest honour granted by Professor Xu Guodong when he made use of some sections of the Argentine Civil Code and the Argentine Draft Civil Code of 1998 in order to draw up the Draft Civil Code of China. 说到这里,我必须特别强调徐国栋教授所惠赐的最大的荣誉,他使用了阿根廷民法典和1998年阿根廷民法典草案的一些条文,致力于制订一部中国民法典草案。
At this stage of the presentation we want to present a broad company profile. 这个阶段,我们只是给出大概的公司情况。
At this stage one may ask what gains accures to the two individuals from this development. 这个阶段或许有人会问我们从这发展中由此两个人得到什麽发现。
At this stage sea-level westerlies are strong and zonal in character and they lie poleward of their normal position. 在这一阶段海平面上西风气流很强且属纬向性的,它较正常位置偏向极地(北半球上偏北或南半球偏南)。

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