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Wish I wasn't crying.

Wise voters take an interest in the key issues, seek answers to questions, follow campaigns and candidates in the media. 明智的选民会对一些关键问题发生兴趣,会寻找问题的答案并且通过媒体追踪竞选进程与候选人。
Wisely or not, Homo sapiens has become Homo urbanus. 明智与否,人类成为了城市人属。
Wisemates company operating the sale of second-hand vessels, cargo ships used to provide secondary tugboats, barges used, second-hand fishing boats, and the import and export of second-hand vessels trading in a wide range of sources of supply and demand i 威士美公司经营二手船舶买卖,提供以二手货船,二手拖船,二手驳船,二手渔船,等二手船的进出口买卖,提供广泛的货源供求信息,以满足广大用户的需求。
Wisepac Active Packaging Components Co., Ltd. is a professional and innovative desiccant product manufacturer. 公司始终坚持以客户为中心,扎扎实实地在技术开发、产品生产和客户服务的每一个环节上下苦功夫。
Wisepac Active Packaging Components Co., Ltd., is an innovative manufacturer in this line and specialized in desiccant bag, desiccant canister, desiccant tablet and desiccant paper. 上海威胜包装材料有限公司是一个不断创新进取的公司,专业提供各种袋装干燥剂,小圆柱干燥剂,压片干燥剂和干燥纸。
Wish I wasn't crying. 希望我不在哭。
Wish I would find my own love in the near future. 愿自己能够在不远的将来找到属于自己的爱情。
Wish Pool is the end of the stream. While we release our repressed sad feelings, eagerness, and anxiety, our minds would be settled in peace and hope. 心愿池是流泉的尾端,当我们释放了压抑的情绪,投射出心灵的想望之后,也同时换取了内心深处的祥和及希望。
Wish Yao and the Rox the best! 希望姚和火箭都达到最好!
Wish a miser long life,and you wish him no good. 祝守财奴长寿,对他并无好处。
Wish all the best wishes for you. 献上最美好的祝愿。

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