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Based on a lot of simulations of different algorithms for two-terminal fault location which were carried out on the transmission line with distributed parameter, the robustness of the algorithms, i.e., its capability to adapt to different types of faults

Based on a great deal of practice research material and starting with the characteristics of college curriculum examination, some worthy standpoints are put forward after deeply researching into the concrete application of education meterage theory in the 从高校课程考试的特点入手,以大量实践研究素材为依据,对教育测量理论在课程考试质量评价中的具体应用进行较为深入的研究探讨,并提出了一些有价值的观点。
Based on a large amount of literatures in the relevant field from home and abroad, the significance, history and current situation of studies are expounded on physiology of wheat root system, and opinions are put forward upon its study prospects. 在大量阅读国内外有关文献的基础上,阐述了小麦根系生理研究的意义、历史和现状,并对其研究前景提出了见解.
Based on a large number of the papers published in journals of China from 2002 to 2005 and the important national projects and project research reports of the national natural science foundation of China in the recent years, this paper reviews the main st 摘要根据2002-2005年中国公开发表的关于水科学研究的论文及国家重大攻关项目和国家自然科学基金项目的科研报告,综述了近年来中国在水文循环诸要素如降水、径流、蒸发,水文模型,河流与泥沙、湖泊、沼泽与湿地、冰川与冻土以及地下水与土壤水等方面研究取得的主要成果和进展。
Based on a linear control algorithm, the property of a two-level handstand pendulum system is improved by introducing the fuzzy control strategy. 摘要引入模糊控制改善原有的线性控制算法,对二级倒立摆实验装置系统进行了二次开发。
Based on a lot of experimental data, the empirical correlations of single-phase heat transfer coefficient, condensation heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop factors are given. 根据大量实验数据,得到了计算对流换热系数、冷凝换热系数及阻力系数的经验关联式。
Based on a lot of simulations of different algorithms for two-terminal fault location which were carried out on the transmission line with distributed parameter, the robustness of the algorithms, i.e., its capability to adapt to different types of faults 在对基于分布参数线路的双端测距算法进行大量仿真的基础上,明确提出了双端测距算法的鲁棒性问题,即算法对各种不同类型故障的适应能力和对综合测量误差的抑制能力。
Based on a lot of technical literature both abroad and domestic,this paper analyses the recent developments and the general trend of dewatering tech nolohy. 在查阅大量文献资料的基础上,分析了国内外高效脱水技术与设备的发展动态,分析了今后的发展趋势。
Based on a national Chenzhou Export Processing Zone and a provincial scientific and technical industry area, specialized in electronic information industry production of HD TV, digital TV top-box, DVD players and their accessories, and headed by the natio 以国家级郴州出口加工区和省级科技工业园为平台,以高端电视、数字电视机顶盒、DVD影碟机及其配套产品生产的电子信息产业为主导,以华录数码、高斯贝尔等国内知名电子企业为龙头,郴州正着力打造湖南省第二大电子信息产业基地。
Based on a network survey of the current situation of reference service in 52 normal college libraries in China, the author analyzes some problems and proposes some development countermeasures, such as strengthen propagandizing, popularize the course of d 摘要通过网络调查的方法,对我国52所高师图书馆参考咨询工作的服务内容、服务方式、服务质量等方面进行分析研究,指出存在的一些问题,提出了加强宣传、普及文检课、重视合作咨询、提高网上服务质量、开展面向中小学的咨询服务等发展对策。
Based on a part object and feature objects, the process knowledge is abstracted as several rule collection objects accordingly, which are included with the related reasoning function as members in the part object and feature objects. 摘要在抽象出零件对象和特征对象的基础上,将工艺知识针对零件和不同的特征抽象成各种具体的规则集对象,并与相关推理函数一起作为成员包含在零件对象和不同的特征对象中。
Based on a premonition, he removed all of his money from his bank account days before the stock market crash. 凭着预感,他在股市崩盘前将所有资金从银行帐户转出去。

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