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Lawence Seaway tears further, essentially the weak link in this landmass held at so many points to the further side of the Atlantic.

Law that is deficient is better law that is uncertain. 有缺陷的法律也要比不确定的法律好。
Law that is deficient is better than law that is uncertain. 有瑕疵的法律胜于不确定的法律.
Law will protect the girl taken in and sold by the abductor. 法律将保护那位被人贩子欺骗和拐卖的姑娘.
Law-and-society theorists may have been trained in political science or sociology or criminology, but many may have been trained in the legal academy as well. 法律与社会运动的理论家接受过政治学、社会学或是犯罪学训练,他们其中也有一部分是在法学学术界接受训练。
Law3:Learning is directly proportional to the amount of fun you have. 学习是与自己本身的喜好度成正比。
Lawence Seaway tears further, essentially the weak link in this landmass held at so many points to the further side of the Atlantic. 从本质上来说,北美大陆是通过许多点和大西洋的另一端虚弱地连接着的。
Lawful practice by lawyers shall be protected by law. 律师依法执业受法律保护。
Lawfully established contracts shall be protected by law. 依照法律规定合法订立的合同应当受到法律的保护。
Lawmaker Emily Lau Wai-hing's offices have been subjected to an arson attack and smeared with faeces. 立法会议员刘慧卿的办公室也被纵火和泼粪。
Lawmakers forgave a colleague who fell asleep during a meeting after he explained that, like many Taiwanese, he had stayed up to watch a Yankees game that was shown live in the middle of the night here. 当有立委迟到--他和大多数台湾人一样地说法--是为了看半夜直播的洋基比赛而熬夜,其他立委便原谅了他。
Lawmakers have a duty in conscience to work to remove such unjust laws, or at the very least to strive to restrict such practices through less permissive laws than those currently in force. 立法者负有良心上的义务去祛除这样的非正义法,或者在最低限度上力求通过减少这样的法律来进行限制。

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