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And writers are still ripping off his narrative.

And wonder if you are dreaming too. 想知道你是否同样梦想着我。
And worse still is the cultural revolution during which the rule of law witnesses an unprecedented sabotage. 公民权利之所以在1957年以后受到严重的挫折,并不是偶然的。
And would this have an impact on the next government? 我想问您,如何看待我国的财政风险问题,它会不会对下届政府产生影响?
And would you like to sing in Finnish? 你会想唱芬兰文吗?
And wouldn't you be living a life of hypocrisy? 如此一来,一个人的言行不是就有更多矛盾了?
And writers are still ripping off his narrative. 与此同时,作者却依旧编造着他的故事。
And ye have not kept the charge of mine holy things: but ye have set keepers of my charge in my sanctuary for yourselves. 8你们也没有看守我的圣物,却派别人在圣地替你们看守我所吩咐你们的。
And ye have numbered the houses of Jerusalem, and the houses have ye broken down to fortify the wall. 10又数点耶路撒冷的房屋,将房屋拆毁,修补城墙。
And ye say, Wherein have we despised thy name? 你们却说,我们在何事上藐视你的名呢?
And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you. 11你们都要受割礼(受割礼原文作割阳皮。14,23,24,25节同),这是我与你们立约的证据。
And ye shall compass the city, all ye men of war, and go round about the city once. Thus shalt thou do six days. 3你们的一切兵丁要围绕这城,一日围绕一次,六日都要这样行。

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