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Second place went to a dune buggy retrofitted by engineers at Elbit Systems, an Israeli military contractor.

Second in serie of compilations bringing together each time several artists from the electronic and world music scene from all around the word, Fahrenheit Project unfolds new ambient territories.This time it will take you to different soundscapes : northe 华氏工程系列的第二部分,和第一部分的风格基本相同,但是比地一部分更细腻一些,艺术家们把你带入广袤的加拿大草原、晴朗的加利福尼亚,以及富有东方色彩的景观……你将欣赏到与众不同的音乐,甚至会发现另一个世界。
Second is the FTP Server mode where you plug in an external USB storage device such as a memory key and make it a shared network drive. 第二个功能是该路由器备有FTP服务器模式,只要你插入闪存等外接USB存储设备,即被共享为网络驱动器。
Second on the list is remaining sociable, with a happy marriage and good family life being essential for health. 长寿的第二大法则是与人交往,幸福的婚姻和和谐的家庭是健康的基本保证。
Second or third year students from JUFE attend appropriate LUMS undergraduate courses for one or two years,they'll recieve JUFE bachelor degree and the transcript of the courses they attended at Lancaster University. 项目简介:我校大二或大三学生到该校继续攻读本科课程二年或一年,可获我校学士学位及该校的成绩单.
Second part Explain the intension of the green project, and has probed into the support system of the green project from the theory , society and three respects of technology, point out the main theoretical foundation of the green project: Sustainable dev 第二部分阐述绿色工程的内涵,并从理论、社会和技术三个方面探讨了绿色工程的支撑系统,指出绿色工程的主要理论基础:可持续发展战略、循环经济理论和系统科学理论,并依据建立指标的原则给出进行绿色工程评价的指标体系。
Second place went to a dune buggy retrofitted by engineers at Elbit Systems, an Israeli military contractor. 跑第二远的是以色列军事承包商「埃尔比特系统」的工程师改装的沙滩车。
Second places are no good at this stage of the season. 在赛季的这个阶段,排第二位不是件好事。
Second process: After operated by the front forward gas baffler, the paper reciprocates to the drum of the second layer to perform flanging of the backside. 第二个过程:纸张经前推气挡板之作用,再往复至第二层滚筒完成后边折边。
Second question, you published this afternoon a long list of why the election was pisted, [part of the book was] in English, including this very serious allegation that a hundred and ninty thousand military police and emergency person were affect, abate f 第二个问题,今天下午你们印制了一长串你们不接受选举结果的理由,有英文的,里头有一项很严重的指控:十九万军警人员受到影响不能投票。
Second sentence is the instruction format (in bold and italic). 第二句加粗斜体的是指令格式。
Second series of three master-classes presented by Bill Forsyth, Terence Davies and Mamoun Hassan with students from the National Film and Television School, Beaconsfield. 第二集主持人与演艺学生继续讨论及分析另外三套著名电影。原版英文发音。

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