For the Chinese Communist Party, the founding of PRC means that it must carry out the campaign of political socialization both in the countryside and in the cities. |
中文意思: 摘要对于中国共产党而言,新中国的成立意味着无论是在农村还是城市都必须一以贯之地进行政治社会化。 |
For the 4th, we will try to learn more the action planning from other friends and then to follow on and support.
第四项就会在了解其他朋友的有关行动后再跟进支援。 |
For the 61 percent of American adults who are overweight, smart eating, along with habitual(13) workouts, are the foremost formula for successful weight losers.
在美国,每年有近卅万成年人死于因体重过重所引起的疾病。体重过重是美国人的第一杀手──冠状动脉心脏病的主要成因。 |
For the Americans studied Kasserine Pass even more intently than the Germans.
美国人对凯瑟琳山口惨败的研究要比德国人认真的多。 |
For the Californian beekeeper, the pollination season begins in February.
对于加利福尼亚的养蜂者来说,授粉季节开始于二月。 |
For the Canaanites and all the inhabitants of the land shall hear of it, and shall environ us round, and cut off our name from the earth: and what wilt thou do unto thy great name?
书7:9迦南人和这地一切的居民听见了、就必围困我们、将我们的名从地上除灭.那时你为你的大名要怎样行呢。 |
For the Chinese Communist Party, the founding of PRC means that it must carry out the campaign of political socialization both in the countryside and in the cities.
摘要对于中国共产党而言,新中国的成立意味着无论是在农村还是城市都必须一以贯之地进行政治社会化。 |
For the Chinese student, goals must be practical and short-term.
对中国学生来说,目标必须是现实的,是短期可实现的。 |
For the Chinese telecommunication industry, 2006 is a year permeated with achievements.
对于我国通信业而言,2006年是硕果累累的一年。 |
For the Chinese, September 23,1993 is a reGREtful and unforgettable day .
从此通过我们的努力,我们改善了环境,我们终于成功的申办了2008年奥运会。 |
For the Communist party, which had been keeping a careful eye on the shifts within the Kuomintang, suddenly decided to force matters.
共产党一直注意观察国民党内的动向,这时毅然决定动手了。 |
For the Croatian national team, Bok?i? was capped 40 times, scoring ten goals.
在为国家队出场的40场比赛中,博克西奇攻入了10球。 |