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He fixed his gaze steadily on him until he was ashamed, and the man of God wept.

He fitted the map snugly into the bag. 他把地图整齐地塞进包里。
He five key leadership styles identified in the grid are 1,1 (impoverished);9,1(task); 1.9(country club); 5,5(middle-of –the road); and 9,9 (team). 5种重要的领导风格论在系统中的建立是:贫乏型管理、专权型管理、乡村俱乐部型、中庸之道管理、理想型管理。
He fixed a post in the ground. 他把一根杆子固定在地上。
He fixed his attention on the gun. 他紧盯着那支枪。
He fixed his gaze on her. 他把目光固定在她身上。
He fixed his gaze steadily on him until he was ashamed, and the man of God wept. 王下8:11神人定睛看著哈薛、甚致他惭愧.神人就哭了。
He fixed the goggles tight and firm, filled his lungs, and floated, face down, on the water. 他把潜水镜扎紧扎牢,憋了一口气,浮在水面,脸朝下。
He fixed up the cottage before they moved in. 他把农舍修整好,他们才搬进去。
He fixes his daughter up with a job. 他给他女儿安排了一份工作。
He flares up at the slightest provocation. 稍一激他, 他就大发脾气.
He flat-out called me a liar! 他公开称我是说谎的人。

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