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Rap soon became a form of creative competition.

Ranz: So being popular in Taiwan, which other region is your band famous at? Oris it different region cater to your drama too? 除了在台湾那么有名,你们还在哪些地区为人所知?或者是不是在其他地方你们获得的待遇不同?
Ranz: You studied at RMIT. I studied there too. What course were u taking then?Do you still keep in touch with your friends at Melbourne? 你曾经在RMIT念书,我也是。你当时选择了哪些课程?你现在还会和那些在墨尔本的朋友保持联系吗?
Rao of the Medical College of Wisconsin. 美国威斯康辛医学院的劳乌说。
Raoul Duke:Hm? Never mind. It's your turn to drive. 杜克:嗯?别介意,该你开车了。
Raoul Duk:Holy Jesus. What are these goddamn animals? 杜克:上帝,那些该死的动物是什么?
Rap soon became a form of creative competition. 饶舌乐很快就成为一种创意竞争。
Rap, on the other hand, is very difficult due to its heavy use of slang and the quick pace of the singing. 另一方面,说唱歌曲难度很大,因为它的俚语数量多、唱腔的节奏快。
Rapa Nui, the indigenous name of Easter Island, bears witness to a unique cultural phenomenon. 拉帕努伊是当地人对复活节岛的称呼,岛屿酝酿了一种独特的文化现象。
Rapaic is contracted to Standard until the summer of 2006, but after a public falling out with the club he may move on come the New Year. 雷普卡和标准队的合同在2006年夏天到期,但是他可能提前到新年时就来了。
Rapallo decides to have Davy killed, and Davy is determined to save Gloria from Rapallo's abduction. 夜总会老板心有不甘掳去舞娘,拳手誓要不惜一切,与恶势力单打独斗,杀出重围勇救佳人。
Rapamycin is indicated as an immunosuppressant for organ rejection in patiens receiving transplantations. 研究显示,雷帕霉素可能是接受移植手术病人器官排斥的免疫抑制剂。

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