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Perhaps,Mary.They said that,yesterday.But now that Moray's hereI don't know.I'm afraid.Please help me!’He began to cry again.‘What can we do?

Perhaps, then, fears of significantly higher interest rates are exaggerated. 那么,有关利率大幅上升的担心也许被夸大了。
Perhaps, this might be the theme, but I will bring my own Gundam-ness to the series. 也许高达是主题,但是我会带着我自己对高达的观点参与到制作中。
Perhaps, to exchange the permanent love with the unabiding life was worthful, however, could it be true? 也许用短暂的生命去换取永恒的爱情是很值得的,不过,短暂的生命又真的能换到永恒的爱情吗?
Perhaps, we are the gear which works. 也许,我们是工作上的排档。
Perhaps, you shouldn't even have bothered about this ungrateful lump of lard. 或许当初你们还真的不需要那么麻烦。
Perhaps,Mary.They said that,yesterday.But now that Moray's hereI don't know.I'm afraid.Please help me!’He began to cry again.‘What can we do? “也许吧,玛丽。他们昨天是这样说的。不过现在马里回来了我不知道。我很害怕,请帮帮我吧!”他又开始哭了起来。“我们该怎么办?”
Perhaps-perhaps Myra might come. 也许--也许迈拉会来的吧。
Perianal skin excoriation may also develop. 还可能出现肛周表皮脱落。
Periapt of Vitality and Precept of Mana cost increased by 50 each. 生命护符和魔力护符均涨价50金。
Periapt of Vitality now gives 150 hps, up from 100. 活力护身符现在给予150点生命,原来是100.
Pericles's good friend and master sculptor, Pheidias, built the gigantic statue of Athena that stands inside. 殿内巨型雅典娜雕像则是由他的好友──雕塑名家费迪亚斯铸建。

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