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It is not absolutely necessary for cooperative parties to formulate contractual JV agreement.

It is not a sentimental compassion mental agony inflicted upon a condemned man but a dread of destroying the miracle of life. 这不是对被判死刑者在精神上所遭受的极大痛苦的感情上的怜悯,而是对杀灭生灵的恐惧。
It is not a sign of humility to declaim against pride. 用慷慨激昂的言语攻击傲慢并不是谦逊的标志。
It is not a smile; but a grin; something to do with humor, but little to do with happiness. 这实际上不是笑,只是咧咧嘴,表示一种心情,但跟快乐无关。
It is not a theoretical solution, but it is a practical one. 它不是理论上的解答,而是一个实际的解决办法。
It is not above a bit of lobbying either. 它也没有超出游说的意味。
It is not absolutely necessary for cooperative parties to formulate contractual JV agreement. 合作各方可以不订立合作企业协议。
It is not advisable just to sit there brooding about the unpleasant bygones. 老是坐在那里闷闷不乐地想着过去那些不愉快的事情并不好。
It is not advisable just to work away without making a timely summing-up of experience. 一味埋头干下去不做及时的经验总结是不可取的。
It is not advisable to act without planning. 不谋而动是不明智的.
It is not allowed to be installed with the Access Panel facing up or down. 安装时不允许将进入面板朝上或朝下。
It is not allowed to cheat during examination in school. 学校是不允许考试做弊行为的.

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