Most companies lack the information systems and management processes to get it right consistently.
大多数公司缺乏相关的信息系统和管理程序,因而无法始终如一地正确定价。 |
Most companies tend to focus on their borders and end users, forgetting the devices that connect the two.
大多数公司倾向于注重机构本身和最终用户,忘记了联接两者的设备。 |
Most companies that do well are developed by teams.
大多数表现出色的公司是由团队做起来的。 |
Most companies, when they run an advertising campaign, simply take the most unfortunate truth about their company, turn it upside down (lie), and drill that lie home.
很多公司进行广告活动时,就是挑出公司最不幸的事实,把它反过来(说谎),然后。 |
Most company's business hours are 9AM to 5PM but some workers start at 8.30AM and finish at 6PM.
绝大多数公司的办公时间是从早上9点到下午5点,但也有些公司从早上8:30开始上班,有些要到晚上6:00才下班。 |
Most computer crimes can be traced back to hackers.
大多数计算机犯罪都是计算机黑客干的。 |
Most computer crimes can be traced to hackers.
计算机犯罪大多为黑客所为。 |
Most computer displays were blinking lines of text until Apple featured clickable icons and other graphic tools in its 1984 Mac. Microsoft's Windows took GUI — pronounced “gooey” — to the masses.
几乎所有的电脑都在显示着一行一行闪烁的文字,直到苹果公司在1984年开发了可以点击的图标和其他图像处理工具。微软的视窗使用了GUI(发音-瑰^^),使其普遍使用。 |
Most computer games are real time because they are more exciting.
许多电脑游戏是实时的,因为它们更令人兴奋。 |
Most computer games are real-time, because they are more exciting.
大部分的计算机游戏都是实时联机的,因为这样比较刺激。 |
Most computer programs are reactive.
大多数的计算机程序是响应式的。 |