To supervise and promote six sigma program and meet the goals.
监督和促进六个西格玛的进程以达到目标。 |
To supervise monthly tax adjustment and booking.
管理月度税务调整和入账。 |
To supply a running commentary for a movie or performance.
影评为电影或演出提供连续的评论。 |
To support Group Compliance Officer / Compliance Officer in carrying out inspections during the course of business at regular intervals.
协助集团合规官员和合规官员在商务过程中做定期检查. |
To support budget holders by providing ongoing training and advice.
向预算单位提供必要的培训并提供建议。 |
To support maintenance team work.
支持维护小组工作。 |
To support national and international security policies that protect those who are defenseless and provide a free voice for all with a dedication to providing ethical, efficient, and effective turnkey solutions that positively impact the lives of those st
支持国家和国际安全政策,保护那些手无寸铁的声音,并提供一切免费以奉献为德、高效交钥匙积极影响和有效的解决办法,还是那些生活陷入绝境. |
To support or, as the case may require, oppose any proceedings or applications which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to benefit or, as the case may be, prejudice the Foundation's interests.
在需要时支持或反对任何行动或申请,无论该行动或申请是直接或间接地有利于或损害基金会的利益。 |
To support our growth, we are inviting qualified candidates to submit their resumes for consideration.
因公司发展迅速,现诚聘所述高素质人才加盟我司。 |
To support staff with technical expertise.
给相关员工以专家观点的技术支持。 |
To support the Head of Personal Lines in formulating business development strategies, assume responsibility for executing sales and marketing activities to implement these strategies and thereby successfully develop key accounts for the Retail and / or Te
协助业务总监规划业务发展战略,并为这些战略的执行结果负责,包括销售和营销活动的执行,及零售渠道业务和电话营销业务的重要客户的开发工作(有业绩指标)。 |