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Hardfaced seating surfaces, large diameter hinge pins, and corrosion resistant bearing surfaces help lengthen operating life in tough surfaces.

Harder you are,more you learn. 你越努力,学习得就越多。
Hardest hit among manufacturers would be LG Electronics Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. 制造商中受到最大冲击的无疑是LG电子和三星电子公司。
Hardest of all, he needs to tackle the health and social-security costs that eat up so much of the budget. 这其中最艰难的,是他需要解决消耗掉相当大一部分预算的医疗保健和社会安全成本问题。
Hardest-hit was Wenzhou, a coastal city where at least 81 people were killed, and 11 were missing, the official Xinhua News Agency said. 据新华社官方报道:在遭受损失最严重的沿海城市温州,有至少81人遇难,11人失踪。
Hardfaced seating surfaces provide high cycle capability in very high differential pressure services. 硬面阀座表面使得阀门在很高的压差应用环境中具有更长的使用寿命。
Hardfaced seating surfaces, large diameter hinge pins, and corrosion resistant bearing surfaces help lengthen operating life in tough surfaces. 经过硬面处理的阀座表面,大直径铰链销,以及防腐蚀轴承表面,有助于延长坚硬表面的使用寿命。
Hardiman also has written songs for English tenor star, Russell Watson, as well as up-and- coming classical crossover sensations, “Amici Forever. 此外,哈德曼还替英国男高音_罗素?华生以及最新的跨界天团《友谊长存》写歌。
Hardly a week goes by without news of more upheaval in Europe's trading dens. 这一周对于欧洲交易市场这个“小庙”来说,着实不乏爆炸性的新闻。
Hardly a whisper of concern has been voiced. 几乎一点点关心也未曾表示过。
Hardly any non-US data are available. Most of the US data date from the end of the nineteenth century onwards. 美国以外的资料未必都能查到,美国的资料则以19世纪以后为主。
Hardly any of the students did well on the test, so the teacher explained the lesson again. 这次考试几乎没有几个学生考得好,所以教师又重新把这课书讲了一遍。

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