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The clinical check-up performed months after operation showed that the average range of movement (ROM) was °(0- 0°), the mean frontal laxity was 0.7 mm(0.-0. mm).
术后 个月关节活动度为0~ 0°,平均°,膝关节额面松弛度0.~0.cm,平均0.7cm。

The clinical analysis of 8cases of herps zoster in nervus ischiadicus area 坐骨神经区带状疱疹8例临床分析
The clinical Ultrasound Diagnosis on Geratic Period and Presenium Ovary Through Vagina 经阴道超声对老年及老年前期卵巢肿瘤的诊断
The clinical anatomy of the postero l ateral approach to dens axis 枕颈后外侧入路显露枢椎齿突的应用解剖
The clinical application of CAP allergen screening system in allergic nasitis CAP系统检测在变应性鼻炎的临床应用
The clinical application of the telescopic pontic of fixed bridge 套叠桥体式固定桥的临床应用
The clinical check-up performed months after operation showed that the average range of movement (ROM) was °(0- 0°), the mean frontal laxity was 0.7 mm(0.-0. mm). 术后 个月关节活动度为0~ 0°,平均°,膝关节额面松弛度0.~0.cm,平均0.7cm。
The clinical differences of patients with affective disorder in geratic period 不同发病年龄的老年期情感障碍的临床差异
The clinical effective rate for tinea corporis & cruris at week was 98. in the trial group and 9.7 in control group; and 00 versus 98.8 at week respectively. 体、股癣在周时,临床有效率试验组98.%,对照组9.7 %,在周时分别为00%和98.8%;
The clinical manifestation were mainly including itch- pain(00%), blushes(.8%), skin rash(78.%), papule(.%), water(pus) blister( . %), fever rarely(.%) and dizziness(.%) and so on 98.% patients of which were treated by themselves. 临床表现以轻微的痒痛(00%)、红晕(.8%)、皮疹(78.%)、丘疹(.%)多见,水(脓)疱( . %)常见,少见发热(.%)和头晕(.%)等症状,98.%的病例自行处理。
The clinical prognosis of SAP is so bad that it often combined with the damage or disfunction of the organs beside pancreas, or present such syndrome as pyocyst or false cyst in local pancreas. 本病起病急,病情凶险,病理上以广泛的胰腺坏死和出血为特征,其临床预后差,常合并胰外多器官损害或功能障碍,或出现胰腺局部脓肿、假性囊肿。
The clinical significance and variation characteristic of AGEs and NO in cardiovascular complications in patients with uraemia AGEs与NO在尿毒症心血管并发症中的变化及意义

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