In case of an unnatural death of an alien, the persons concerned or the discoverer shall promptly report to the public security organ.
外国人非正常死亡,有关人员或者发现应当立即向公安机关报告。 |
In case of any alteration, operators of renewable resources recovery business shall go through formalities of alteration with departments of commercial administration within 30 days as of the alteration (those belonged to industrial and commercial registr
备案事项发生变更时,再生资源回收经营者应当自变更之日起30日内(属于工商登记事项的自工商登记变更之日起30日内)向商务主管部门办理变更手续。 |
In case of any breach of the Tenancy Agreement by either party, the relevant party shall compensate for the economic loss (e.g., charges for lawsuit etc) of the other party caused by the breach behaviour.
如果任何一方违约,该方应赔偿另一方由于该违约行为造成的经济损失(例如:诉讼费用)。 |
In case of any claim by a third person, the lessee shall timely notify the lessor.
第三人主张权利的,承租人应当及时通知出租人。 |
In case of any conflicts, the terms in the Subscription Form prevails.
二者如有冲突以附件的规定为准。 |
In case of any deficiency, the salvor has the right of recourse against the party salved.
不足的金额,救助方有权向被救助方追偿。 |
In case of any difficulty, you must consult with the masses.
如果碰到困难,你应当和群众商量。 |
In case of any dispute arising out of the performance of this Contract, PARTY A and PARTY B shall consult together to reach unanimity, otherwise both parties can submit the dispute to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (Beij
2在履行本合同过程中产生的任何争议由双方协商解决,协商不成,可向中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(北京)申请仲裁。 |
In case of any divergence of interpretation, the Chinese text shall prevail.
若对其解释产生异议,则以中文文本为准。 |
In case of any emergency, break the glass and press the button.
遇到紧急情况时,击碎玻璃罩并摁下按钮。 |
In case of any inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall prevail.
如本文之条款及细则之中文译本与英文本有异,应以英文本作准。 |