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And with so much of its 75 billion rupee fund unspent, India's government is drafting proposals to subsidise the provision of broadband to every village.

And with opposing teams likely to pack it in the paint and force the Americans to shoot it from the outside, playing two of the bigs together might limit them offensively. 碰上防守强悍的队伍,3妙区打得密不透风,就将迫使美国队不得不外线投篮,而这两个大家伙就就可能使美国队进攻不利。
And with our love, we can win. 和着大家的爱,我们能够获胜.
And with our pylon down, our Photon Cannons go offline, making us vulnerable to continued attack. 如果我们的能量塔被摧毁,我们的光子加农炮就会失去动力,这样我们就容易受到持续的攻击.
And with people now living longer than in previous generations, the two authors hope society will start to reconsider aging, encouraging people to explore their talents and pursue their dreams in midlife and beyond. 现在人们的寿命都比过去长,这两个作家希望社会开始重新看待老年人,鼓励人们即使在中年以后,都应该去挖掘才能和追求梦想。
And with reinforced concrete finite element a simulation calculation method is founded for randomness of initial cracks within the equal stress zone of concrete members. 结合钢筋混凝土有限元,建立了混凝土构件等应力区初始裂缝随机性的仿真计算方法,对钢筋混凝土梁纯弯段的裂缝规律进行了仿真计算。
And with so much of its 75 billion rupee fund unspent, India's government is drafting proposals to subsidise the provision of broadband to every village. 印度政府拥有750亿卢比未予花销,目前正在草拟计划准备向所有村庄提供宽带业务。
And with tears, said to me, ‘Worthy Great Magician, not that! 世尊教法的究竟,是秘密的金刚乘。
And with that freedom comes other freedoms. 这一自由将带来其它自由。
And with that he breathed on them and said, Receive the Holy Spirit. 22说了这话,就向他们吹一口气,说,你们受圣灵。
And with that he brought it down again on her unprotected bottom. 他使她回到原来的位置,再次笞打她毫无保护的屁股。
And with that, I became lost, 与此同时,我迷失了,

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