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For some time he lay without movement, the genial sunshine pouring upon him and saturating his miserable body with its warmth.

For some species there may be an almost complete continuum between closely related species, as in certain orchids. 还有一些相关物种之间可以杂交,但杂种是完全或相对不育。
For some strange reason, I wanted to remember the day my playmates and I found that broken brick on the playground and thought our school was being broken into. 在书架的另外一层甚至还摆着一块砖头,那还是我上小学的时候在操场上拾回来的。
For some supposed, since Judas held the purse, that Jesus was saying to him, Buy the things that we have need of for the feast, or that he should give something to the poor. 29有人因犹大带着钱囊,以为耶稣是对他说,你去买我们过节所需用的东西,或是叫他拿什么分给穷人。
For some things I have done in the past, I feel guilty. 我对于过去做过的一些事情感到愧疚。
For some this force is awakening latent skills. 对于有些人,这种力量正在唤醒潜在的技巧。
For some time he lay without movement, the genial sunshine pouring upon him and saturating his miserable body with its warmth. 好久他躺在那儿一动不动,太阳光暖暖地洒落在他身上,抚慰着他饱经磨难的身体。
For some time on Matchday 5, as Arsenal struggled to overturn Hamburg's early lead, it looked like a qualifying place was slipping away from the hosts. 在第5场小组赛的相当长一段时间里,枪手们在汉堡率先破门后陷入了苦战,晋级的希望看似正从主队球员的脚下溜走。
For some time people had been muttering about the way she ran the department. 人们对她的管理方式私下抱怨已有时日.
For some time to come, the burden of projecting American power will fall even more heavily on the air force and navy. 对于即将到来的一段时间,凸现美国霸权的重担更多的将落在空军和海军身上。
For some time, many have expected the huge political and business interests that the offspring of Deng Xiaoping have acquired over the years to come under threat once China's paramount leader dies. 有一段时间,在许多人看来,一旦邓小平去逝了,这些年中他的子孙们所获得的巨大的政治和商业利益将面临威胁。
For some time, she gaze at a pair of fur-lined high boots on display. 她盯着陈列在橱窗里的一双有毛皮里子的长统靴子看了好一会儿。

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