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His partial attitude called forth a lot of criticism.

His parents were set against his marrying so young [this marriage]. 他的父母反对他这样年轻就结婚[这门亲事]。
His parents were very shock and upset after learning that he was taken into custody by the police on a charge of murder. 【他的父母亲听闻他因谋杀被警方收押后,感到相当震惊与难过。】
His parents, George and Dorothy Lucas, already had two daughters and so were very pleased to have a son. (他的父母佐治与多露菲鲁卡斯早已有了两个女儿,所以多添一个儿子,非常开心。)
His parents, who manufactured metal products like spoons and lunch boxes, have been retired for about 10 years. 他的双亲已经退休达十年之久,之前是从事金属产品的制造。
His part in the affair was quite aboveboard. 在这事情上,他的行为是非常光明磊落的。
His partial attitude called forth a lot of criticism. 他的偏袒态度招致了不少批评。
His participation is not welcomed. 他的参与不受欢迎。
His particular savor I love. 我爱死了他那奇特的品味。
His partisans argued that, as he made history come to life, his factual errors were inconsequential. 他的支持者辩称,既然他让历史显得逼真,他那些事实错误就是无关紧要的。
His partner, Elen Rives, is also a Catalan, adding to impressions that he would find the prospect of a move at the end of this season tempting. 他的未婚妻,伊琳·里夫斯,也是西班牙人,补充说本赛季末他将尝试迁居的展望。
His partners at work know him as friendly and obliging, but tough as well. 工作伙伴们认为他友善亲切,但也很严厉。

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