I am a tolerant man, but your behaviour is more than I can bear.
我本来是一个宽宏大量的人,但你的行为实在叫人难以忍受。 |
I am a tolerant man,but your behavious is more than bear.
我本来是一个宽宏大量的人,但你的行为实在叫人难以忍受。 |
I am a traditional Chinese woman who is loving,compassionate,caring and honest.
我是一位富有传统的中国女性,有爱心,体贴人,为人诚实,生活对我很重要。 |
I am a trainee in the Liner Shipping Company at present.
我现在大丸船运公司服务,任见习员。 |
I am a true scorpian, for without the pursuit of love, life is empty.
我是一只地地道道的天蝎,因为如果不去追寻爱情,人生就没有激情! |
I am a unique creature of nature.
我是独一无二的奇迹。 |
I am a very determined and stubborn person!
我是很坚强而固执的人!” |
I am a very giving person.
我是个乐善好施的人。 |
I am a very good listener and seem to have the knack to get people to talk.
我是一个不错的聆听者,并且很懂得如何让人们开口说话。 |
I am a very honest footballer.
人们怀疑我的职业精神。 |
I am a very neat person and I do help out in cleaning chores!
我是一个喜欢干净的人,我真的可以帮忙做家务打扫卫生。 |