Recent clinical studies indicate that Lyme disease in dogs may not be as benign as once believed: bacterial infection appears to persist in many dogs despite antibiotic therapy and even in individuals that are cured by treatment, there is evidence of prog
目前的临床研究指出犬类的莱姆关节炎并不象以前想象的那么乐观:细菌感染依然存在于许多用抗生素疗法治疗的狗和个别已经治愈的狗身上,会发生很显著的关节恶化。 |
Recent college graduates go into teaching.
近来的大学毕业生都从事教书。 |
Recent college graduates who meet the requirements of Methods of Bachelor's Degree Awarding of Huanggang Normal Universityand “ Fine Print of Bachelor's Degree Awarding of College of Computer Science and Technology” are given bachelor's degree of Engineer
符合《黄冈师范学院学士学位授予办法》以及《计算机科学与技术学院学士学位授予细则》中规定的应届本科毕业生,授予工学学士学位。 |
Recent college graduates who meet the requirements of Methods of Bachelor's Degree Awarding of Huanggang Normal Universityand “ Fine Print of Bachelor's Degree Awarding of College of Computer Science and Technology” are given bachelor's degree of Science.
符合《黄冈师范学院学士学位授予办法》以及《计算机科学与技术学院学士学位授予细则》中规定的应届本科毕业生,授予理学学士学位。 |
Recent complainants allege the company closed accounts on 130,000 users without providing notice, and accused them of using hacktechniques to cheat on gaming.
最近的投诉则是关于该公司以在游戏中使用“黑客”软件而毫无告示的封闭了130,000名用户的帐号。 |
Recent complainants allege the company closed accounts on 130,000 users without providing notice, and accused them of using "hack" techniques to cheat on gaming.
最近的投诉则是关于该公司以在游戏中使用“黑客”软件而毫无告示的封闭了130,000名用户的帐号。 |
Recent conflicts are not encouraging, but in the long run there is a trend toward including more people (such as women and minorities) within the in-group deserving of human rights.
眼前的种种纷争虽令人丧气,但长期而言有一个趋势,是把更多的人(如女性和少数族群)纳进同享人权的圈子里。 |
Recent data from NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers corroborate previous suspicions that water has at least intermittently flowed on the Red Planet in the past.
我们所居住的太阳系,初期可能曾经有过好几个液态水世界,行星学家对此已了然于心。 |
Recent development of waterborne epoxy resin at home and abroad was reviewed in a systematic way.Some features and applications on waterborne epoxy resin were introduced,and a new method for preparing waterborne epoxy resin emulsion was indicated.
系统地介绍了目前国内外环氧树脂水性化的研究进展,总结了环氧树脂水性化体系的特点与应用,并提出一种水性环氧树脂乳液制备的新方法。 |
Recent developments in CGI (computer-generated imagery) have filmmakers turning to less expensive (and safer) computer-generated effects.
从最近的发展趋势来看CGI(电脑图像合成)影片制作转向低成本(更安全)电脑合成效果更俊美。 |
Recent developments in fluorescent phosphors have yielded spectra more like natural sunlight by boosting the red end of their light output.
最近,通过对荧光灯中的磷改良,使得荧光灯提高了红色光的放射量,使得发出的光线更接近自然光。 |