M: No problem. We help with each other!
(没问题。我们相互帮助!) |
M: No wonder there are cockroaches. Who left the cookie on the table?
难怪有蟑螂!谁把饼干留在桌上? |
M: No, no, Li Hua. Wait, at least you have to finish watching this cheesy TV show so that you know who's going to marry whom.
我就不信。没有其它人看这些电视节目不哭的我不跟你说了,我要回去了。 |
M: No, not really. But don't forget that when you use it in the past tense, pig out should be pigged out.
那是过去时态,要是说你到了圣诞节假日又要大吃大喝了,那该怎么说? |
M: No, the word trip, t-r-i-p, does mean travel, but here it means something that is unusual, in a good way.
我也很喜欢啊这种超现实主义的艺术.疑?等等,你为什么把看展览叫做旅行呢?我们又没有离开纽约市。 |
M: OK, I'll drive fast so that the rest of our day won't be shot.
对了,别浪费时间了,我也不想把一天的时间全浪费了。 |
M: OK, you have a 2-month probation period with $7,000 every mouth.
(好的,你有两个月的试用期,在此期间每月7千美元。) |
M: Of course you would say that. After all, on the first day of class all you did was talk about how cute he was.
你说我第一天上完他的课后,口口声声夸他长得帅?你别瞎说八道了。 |
M: Oh who cares? Everyone laughs at Arnold's accent: (speaks in Arnie voice) I just want to say to Governor Gray Davis, Hasta la vista, baby! You won't be baaack!
啊,你一看见阿诺,就会想起他在电影里扮演的角色啊,难怪你觉得他的样子好笑。可是你嘲笑他说话有口音,这不太好吧! |
M: Oh, I think our bo usually pays around 8%. Is that right Tony?
哦,我想我们老板一般是支付8%的佣金。是不是,托尼? |
M: Oh, come off it! I saw you later that day. You weren't sick!
什么?我考试没考好是因为我礼拜五没有来上课?哎,你明明知道那天我生病了嘛! |