Michael Persinger, a professor of neuroscience at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, has been conducting experiments that fit a set of magnets to a helmet-like device.
安大略湖萨德伯里[加拿大南部城市]劳伦系大学的神经系统科学家迈克尔·伯辛格已经主导了这实验,把一套磁铁固定在像头盔的装置上。 |
Michael Phelps' coach calls him “the motivation machine.
麦克菲尔普斯的教练称他为「动力十足的机器」。 |
Michael Platini has launched a surprising attack on the foreign ownership of English football clubs.
米歇尔普拉蒂尼近日对那些被外资收购的英格兰俱乐部进行了批判。 |
Michael Porter argued that when analyzing opportunities and threats, managers should pay particular attention to five forces that are the major threats that any organization will encounter.
麦克尔·波特认为,在分析机遇和威胁的时候,经理人应该尤其注意任何组织都会面临的五种主要威胁力量。 |
Michael Rasmussen, the leader of the Tour de France, was withdrawn from the race and dismissed by his sponsor, Rabobank, late last night after the doubts over his ethical credibility reached a head with accusations of lying to his team.
环法的领先者迈克拉斯姆森在昨晚的晚些时候被勒令推出本届比赛,并且被其所在的拉波银行车队开除.拉斯姆森被指控欺骗车队,因此其道德遭到怀疑. |
Michael Redd - I like Michael Redd, I think he is vastly underrated.
8迈克尔?雷德我喜欢雷德,我觉得他是不能低估的。 |
Michael Ryan, curator of vertebrate paleontology for the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, published the discovery in this month's Journal of Paleontology.
迈克尔·瑞安是克利夫兰自然历史博物馆古脊椎动物部门的负责人,他在本月的《古生物学杂志》上对外公布了这一新发现。 |
Michael Schiavo, whose brain-damaged wife was at the center of a contentious end-of-life battle that played out on a worldwide media stage, has remarried, family members said.
因为植物人的生死权问题,已经去世的美国著名女植物人特丽·夏沃曾是全球媒体关注的焦点。日前,特丽的丈夫迈克尔·夏沃和长期生活在一起的女友举行了婚礼,两人终于正式结合。 |
Michael Schumacher has sold his winter holiday retreat in Norway, according to the German newspaper Bild.
据德国《图片报》报道,迈克尔·舒马赫已经把自己在挪威的冬日度假别墅卖了。 |
Michael Schumacher is a miracle of F1.
舒马赫使F1赛场上的传奇,他一共夺得7次世界冠军! |
Michael Schumacher of Germany celebrates after winning the Italian Grand Prix at the Monza racetrack near Milan, Italy on Sept 10.
九月十日在义大利米兰的蒙萨赛车场,德国车手舒马克欢庆自己赢得义大利站冠军. |