Because of my gum situation, I am working on an eyes-only version, backed up with slight (closed) lip movement. |
中文意思: 因为咱牙龈的缘故,咱笑起来总是`眼睛先行,而嘴唇(是`闭着的)只是`轻微地动—下。 |
Because of mismanagement, his business has gone to hell.
因为管理不善,他的生意搞得一塌胡涂,不可收拾。 |
Because of misuse of power, he was dismissed.
因为滥用权力,他被开除了。 |
Because of my business acumen and technical know-how, the teams I have managed accomplished outstanding results, including booking more than $50 million in online revenue.
由于我在商业上很敏锐以及懂得技术,我负责的团队取得了显著的成绩,包括预订的在线收入超过五千多万美元。 |
Because of my chains, most of the brothers in the Lord have been encouraged to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly.
14并且那在主里的弟兄,多半因我受的捆锁,就笃信不疑,越发放胆传神的道,无所惧怕。 |
Because of my fear of losing you, I'll settle for less than I want, and this settling will surely lead to feelings of resentment.
由于我怕失去你,我就只好降低要求,而这种委曲求全肯定会引起我的不满情绪。 |
Because of my gum situation, I am working on an eyes-only version, backed up with slight (closed) lip movement.
因为咱牙龈的缘故,咱笑起来总是`眼睛先行,而嘴唇(是`闭着的)只是`轻微地动—下。 |
Because of my loud groaning I am reduced to skin and bones.
5因我唉哼的声音,我的肉紧贴骨头。 |
Because of my poor English, I'm afraid I can't make myself understood.
由于我的英语很差,我怕人家听不懂我的话。 |
Because of my words he had an unquiet night.
因为我说的话他彻夜未眠。 |
Because of myopia, she has a habit of see people with narrow eyes.
因为有点近视,她有眯着眼睛看人的习惯。 |
Because of natural calamity, war and annexation of land, there were many refugees who were no home to go or wandered here and there in the Song Dynasty.
摘要由于自然灾害、战争和土地兼并等原因,宋代出现了一些无家可归,四处流浪的流民。 |