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Don't forget to sign your overtime on our roll book.

Don't forget to return my keys. 别忘了还我钥匙。
Don't forget to reward yourself each time you exercise. I give myself a sticker and put it on the calendar. I love seeing day after day of stickers. 每次锻炼时不要忘了奖励一下自己.我给自己一个不干胶贴标签,粘在日历上.我喜欢看这些不干胶标签一天天多起来.
Don't forget to ring me up at six. 不要忘记六点钟给我打电话。
Don't forget to shake the pockets out before you take your coat to the cleaner's. 把外衣送洗衣店前别忘了把口袋里的东西都抖出来。
Don't forget to sign your love letter! 别忘了在情书上签上你的名字!
Don't forget to sign your overtime on our roll book. 别忘了在公司考勤表上签上你的加班时间。
Don't forget to smell their bad breath and wish them a nice day when they leave for work and school with smile. 别忘了闻一下他们的口臭,并微笑且祝他们上班上学愉快。
Don't forget to specify the marking in the waybill. 切勿忘记提单上注明唛头。
Don't forget to stick a stamp on an envelope before you put it into the mail-box. 把信投进信箱前别忘了在信封上贴上邮票。
Don't forget to sweep the kitchen clean. 别忘了把厨房打扫干净。
Don't forget to take away all your posters. 别忘了将你所有的海报都带走。

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