Wrong domain name syntax!
错误的域名语法! |
Wrong information specified.
错误的定义内容。 |
Wrong laws make short governance.
不健全的法律统治时间不会长。 |
Wrong settings, improper roller coverings, eccentric top and bottom rollers.
工艺错误、皮辊(上罗拉)不合适、上罗拉和下罗拉偏心。 |
Wrong subdomain syntax!
子域名语法错误! |
Wrong username!
错误的用户名! |
Wrong views and wrong convictions can be the most devastating of all our delusions.
错误的见解和信念,是我们的妄想中最具破坏力的。 |
Wrong, this is partly due to Western and Muslim imperialism, partly due to terrorist acts by Muslims AND to cultural differences.
这一分裂的根本性原因既不是两种文明的冲突,也不是恐怖主义,而在于西方国家对中东、对穆斯林国家的政策。 |
Wrong: That's our best price,take it or leave it.
那是最低价,买不买随你便。 |
Wrong: These conditions are unacceptable!
这样的条件我们无法接受。 |
Wrong: We can't pay all the money up front.
我们无法一次性付款。 |