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Others believe it was a burial place or perhaps even a giant sundial to tell the time.

Others are seething over Rudy Giuliani's plan to attend, fearing that the former mayor, now running for president on the back of his leadership that day, will politicise the event. 其他人则为纽约前市长鲁迪?朱利安尼计划参加911周年纪念日而愤怒,他们怕这位以处理911事件为资质而竞选总统的人会将这项活动政治化。
Others are worthless and a waste of consumers' money. 有些产品有用,有些产品没有用,完全是浪费顾客的钱。
Others argue that the opposite . 另一些人持相反意见。
Others argue that, in an age of global threats, purely regional alliances, like old NATO, may be dead. 其他人认为,在一个全球性威胁的时代,诸如旧北约这样的纯粹的地区联盟可能已经死了。
Others ask open-ended questions, such asWhat am I feeling? 另一些人问自己一些随意的问题,如我现在感觉怎样?
Others believe it was a burial place or perhaps even a giant sundial to tell the time. 还有一些人认为这是殡葬之地,甚至还可能是一块巨大的日冕,用来显示时间。
Others believe that the universe was created as a whole by a single all-powerful entity. 另一些人则认为宇宙是由一个强大的实体创造出来的。
Others breathe in the air and use the energy it provides to make a magnificent life for themselves. 有的人呼吸空气并利用它提供的能量使自己的生活绚丽多彩。
Others can be very difficult. 其它的可能非常困难。
Others can stop you temporarily— you are the only one who can do it permanently. 别人只能暂时地成为你的障碍——而只有你自己才会永远地成为通向成功之路的绊脚石。
Others can try to show that they did not plagiarize. 其他人想证明他们没有作弊。

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