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We submitted to Egypt and Assyria to get enough bread.

We study science to gain insight into natural laws. 我们学习科学,是要对自然法则有进一步的了解。
We study several sciences in school. 我们在校学习许多理科知识。
We study the relationship between the PCIs and the nonconforming rate base on the traditional quality management, and establish the relation model between the PCIs and and nonconforming rate whether the process has shift or not. 本文基于传统的质量管理观,研究过程能力指数与产品不合格品率之间的关系,建立了过程有无漂移时的过程能力指数与产品不合格品率之间的关系模型。
We study the relationships between the rough sets and the topological space, define the interior operator and the closure operator generated by a subbase of a topological space, which are conjugated with a lower approximation and an upper approximation, a 摘要本文研究粗糙集与拓扑空间的关系,统一地使用拓扑空间中的集合关于子基的内部和闭包来研究粗糙集理论和覆盖广义粗糙集理论中的下近似集和上近似集,以及由它们导出的关于子基的开集,导集,闭集,边界。
We study the total ionizing dose sensitivity of 0.25μm nMOSFETs. 摘要选取了采用0.25μm工艺的两组器件进行研究。
We submitted to Egypt and Assyria to get enough bread. 6我们投降埃及人和亚述人,为要得粮吃饱。
We subscribe to an animal protection society. 我们定期捐款给一个动物保护基金会。
We substituted a red ball for blue to see if the baby would notice. 我们用红皮球换下了蓝皮球,看这婴儿会不会发觉。
We substituted red balls for blue, to see if the baby would notice. 我们换上红球取代蓝球,去看看这婴儿是否会注意。
We succeed when every decision is based on a clear understanding of and belief in what we do and when we couple this conviction with sound financial planning. 我们的成功,有赖于清楚确认我们对每件事的信念,并与有效的财政计划互相配合。
We succeeded by reason of good organization. 因为组织得好,我们成功了。

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