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Their stories about about sacrifice and heroism are a part of the way we make sense of the world.

Their spirit kept up well in spite of hardships. 虽有困难,但他们并不气馁。
Their squalor and wretchedness have sickened me. 他们的肮脏和卑鄙已经使我恶心。
Their standard model treats the universe as though its density did not vary from place to place but had a uniform, average value of one atom per cubic meter. 标准模型将宇宙视为一个均匀结构,密度不会随著空间位置而变化,每立方公尺平均有一个原子。
Their statement was a downright inanity. 他们的声明是彻头彻尾的废话。
Their steel armor and swords, combined with their black powder and advanced tactics, allow them to stand toe-to-toe with some of the nastiest things in the Warhammer world. 他们的铁甲和宝剑、黑火药和先进的战术,让他们可以面对战锤世界中最凶恶的事物。
Their stories about about sacrifice and heroism are a part of the way we make sense of the world. 这些关于牺牲和英雄主义的故事是我们了解世界过程中的一部分。
Their stories vary somewhat in detail. 他们的说法在细节上有些差异。
Their story illustrates how determined couples can conceive with guidance from medical professionals who are well-versed in techniques that work for paralyzed men. 他们的故事说明多么坚决的夫妇可以在处理瘫痪男性方面技术熟练的内科专家的指导下怀孕。
Their story is counterpointed by a subplot involving housewife Edda Barends, who is kidnapped. 同一时间,在城市的另一端,一位家庭主妇因不明原因被绑架,遭囚期间,男子不断以拍摄其照片取乐。
Their story is filled with difficulties, triumphs, tribulations, loss of friends, loss of family out of the choice to ascend, and ultimately the seeming desire of the dark to killthem. 在提升的选择中,他们的故事充满了艰辛、胜利、磨难、失去朋友、失去亲人,直至最后黑暗的欲望似乎想“杀害”他们。
Their strength plus their spirit makes them formidable. 他们的力气再加上精神使得他们好吓人。

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