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Our staff are overpay and under work.

Our sponsors cover the costs of the $500 MasterCard? Gift Card along with the shipping and handling charges. 我们的主办人偿付了万事达信用卡500美元的费用,包括海运&装卸费用.
Our sponsors pay a few cents every time you donate. 您的每次点击,我们的赞助商就会付几分钱。
Our sports, in this rather happy, no fatalistic view of human nature, are more splendid creations of the nondatable , transspecies play impulse. 我们很快乐的一些运动,并非源于宿命观点认为的人体本能,而更多是在无数的、种类敏繁多的游戏冲动后的精彩创造。
Our squad is actually quite small when you look at the number of people who've been missing injured, so certain players have been forced to play. 我们球队的人员不是很多,如果有的人受伤了,余下的人就不得不参加所有比赛。
Our squad needs a new routine. 我们这队需要一个新的舞蹈名目。
Our staff are overpay and under work. 我们的职员挣得多,干得少。
Our staff bring together academia with the practicality of business, acquired through research, consultancy and prior experience, which in turn feeds innovative and leading edge thinking back into our teaching. 商学院的老师们将商业实践结合到学术理论当中,并且通过研究,咨询以及先前的丰富经验得以证实,从而再把这些先进创新的前沿思想运用到他们的授课当中。
Our staff complain of being underpaid and overwork. 我们的职员抱怨挣的少,干的多。
Our staff comprises high-ranking professional Chinese, Australians and Americans who have worked in senior positions in exploration &mining industry as well as government positions in Australia, South Africa, the United States, China and other Asian Pacif 大部分成员有澳洲和美国的博士或研究生学位,曾在澳大利亚、北美、南非及东南亚和中国进行过长期工作,有着丰富的经验。
Our staff members are all well trained professionals who own many years experience in fields of refrigeration, heating and mechanism. 公司以高素质的人力资源为发展后盾,拥有一批制冷、热工、机械等专业的一流人才,全体员工均经过专业培训。
Our staff members are experienced top managements in big enterprises, well informed of the enterprise management service and personnel resource management. 公司由一批资历丰富、业务精湛、有在大中型企业从事过中高层管理工作的猎头顾问组成,熟知企业管理服务和人力资源管理工作。

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