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We forgave him his rudeness.

We followed the directions but could not put the machine together. 我们虽然依照说明书去做, 但是还不能将这机器装配起来。
We followed the narrow paths silently but swiftly, one behind another. 我们一个跟着一个,沿着狭窄的小道静静地但急速地往前走。
We forbid shouting loudly in the office. 我们不允许在办公室大声喧哗。
We forbid taking pictures here. 我们这里不准拍照。
We forced the enemy soldiers into surrender. 我军迫使敌军投降。
We forgave him his rudeness. 我们原谅了他的无礼。
We forgave, how to have to rise the Chinese of these dyingses! 我们原谅了,怎么对得起这些死去的中国人!
We forget that Socrates was famed for wisdom not because he was omniscient but because he realized at the age of seventy that he still knew nothing. 我们忘记了:苏格拉底之所以以智慧名垂后世,并非因为他无所不知,而是因为他到了七十高龄还能明白自己仍然一无所知。
We forgot to take our camera when traveling. 我们旅行时忘记带照相机了。
We forgot to turn the oven on. 我们忘了开烤箱开关。
We form a complete production network for factories including clothing, bag, tent and sleeping sack and we gain good reputation by good quality and services. 为国内外服装、箱包、帐篷、睡袋等生产厂家配套,并以优质的产品和服务赢得良好的声誉。

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