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The past is no predictor of the future.

The past few years have seen signs that the party wants to use nationalist sentiment to bolster its legitimacy. 在过去的几年里有迹象表明共产党希望利用民族主义情绪来支持它的合法性。
The past fifty years is not really a golden age for inventions and creations. 过去50年其实并不是发明创新的黄金时期。
The past is filled with incredible mysteries. 历史的长河中积满了不可思议的秘密。
The past is gone The future is unpredictable.All we have is now.Male great use of it. 过去的留不住,未来的难预测,守住现在,当下即是。
The past is gone and static. 往昔已一去不复返而且是静止的。
The past is no predictor of the future. 过去不能预测未来。
The past is prophetic in that it asserts loudly that wars are poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows. 昔日预言于大声声称战争是刻出明日和平的贫穷的凿刀。
The past left deep prints on him. 过去在他身上留下了深深的印痕。
The past six months fell into two distinct periods. 过去6个月可分为两个截然不同的阶段。
The past ten weeks were the happiest weeks so far. 过去的10周是我迄今为止最幸福的10周。
The past twenty years have witnessed favorable development as well as deficiencies in China's government informationization. 摘要我国的政府信息化建设经过20多年的探索,有经验,有教训,有起步的基础,也有许多不足。

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