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The construction of gene library and cloning of a novel esterase gene for Rhodoplanes sp. GP-7

Enhancement of CD8~ T cell immune response of nonstructural protein of foot-and-mouth disease virus in the immunized guinea pigs 口蹄疫病毒非结构蛋白对豚鼠CD8~ T细胞应答的免疫增强作用
Eukaryotic Expression and Antigencity Analysis of Avian Hepatitis E Virus ORF3 Protein from China Isolate 禽戊型肝炎病毒中国分离株ORF3蛋白的真核表达与抗原性分析
Kinetics and its influencing factors of enzymatic process on scorpion 全蝎酶解动力学过程影响因素初探
The Choning and Sequence Analysis of F gene of Chicken paramyxovirus virulent YM Isolate 鸡副黏病毒YM毒株F基因的克隆及遗传进化关系研究
Cloning and sequencing of a tick salivary function gene in Hyalomma asiaticum 亚洲璃眼蜱唾液腺一新功能基因的克隆与测序
The construction of gene library and cloning of a novel esterase gene for Rhodoplanes sp. GP-7 紫色非硫细菌GP-7基因文库的构建和新酯酶基因的克隆
Medicinal Plants Resources in Shenzhen City 深圳市重要药用植物资源调查
Genesis and Differentiation of Mast Cell 肥大细胞的发生与分化
Effect of the thermodynamic factor on conformational conversion of the ovine prion protein in vitro 热力学因素对绵羊重组朊蛋白体外构象转化的作用
Determination of Residual Quantity of Hg and As in Four Species of Passerines in Mudanjiang in Summer 牡丹江市夏季4种雀形目鸟体内汞和砷的残留量测定
The Concept and Calibration for Continuous Measurement of in situ Chlorophyll Concentration 叶绿素现场连续测定的基本原理及其数据校正

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