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Abstract: Trap test was carried out with 3 kinds of FUJI traps in sealed and unsealed storehouses respectively.

Abstract: Tobacco mosaic virus plays an very important role in the discovery of virus and several pioneers made contributions to the developmental process of virology, through which the brief history of discovery of virus can be traced. 文摘:烟草花叶病病毒在病毒的发现中有着极其重要的地位,几位病毒学研究的先驱在这方面的研究有极大的贡献,以此为线索可以看到病毒被发现的简要历史。
Abstract: Tongbai County of Henan Province is one of the high-epidemic areas of bovine theileriosis.In 1985,gelatin-protected schizont cell vaccine for 20,000 cattle was introduced.From Ningxia Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine against 文摘:河南省桐柏县是牛环形泰勒虫病流行的多发区,对养牛业危害十分严重,1985年该县从宁夏农林科学院畜牧兽医研究所引进“虫苗”2万头份,在区域试验的基础上在全县16个乡(镇)进行了大面积防疫注射,经年终统计表明:虫苗安全性100%,注苗15000头(其中有水牛4500头),发病3头,发病率0.02%;未注苗36000头,发病2060头,发病率5.7%,实际有效保护率达99.98%,取得了明显的社会经济效益。
Abstract: Toronto has established and implimented the green economy planning to ba-lance the development of healthy environment, vivid economy and a society of equal, finally re-alizing the sustainable deve-lopment. 摘要:多伦多通过制定和推行绿色经济计划,促进了健康的环境、有活力的经济和社会平等3方面的协调发展,正向着实现城市可持续发展的目标前进。
Abstract: Traditional teaching of “Moral and Tutelage” focuses on teaching the moral rational knowledge, neglecting the students' moral practice ability, which has affected its effect. 摘要:传统的《思想道德修养》教学偏重道德理性知识的灌输,忽视学生主体的道德实践能力培养,影响了教学的效果。
Abstract: Traffic economic belt (TEB) is a kind of belt-shaped regional economic organiza tion system, which aggregates industries, population, resources, information, ci ties and towns, interflows of passenger, interflows of goods and so on. 文摘:交通经济带是以交通干线或运输通道为发展轴逐步形成的产业和城市高度发达的经济集聚地带。
Abstract: Trap test was carried out with 3 kinds of FUJI traps in sealed and unsealed storehouses respectively. 文摘:用3种富士诱捕器分别在各类加工厂的仓房、用塑料薄膜密闭的粮库双低仓和不密闭的仓房中进行了诱捕试验。
Abstract: Treatment of No.2 Dumping platform landslide of Chang′an Refuse site in Chengdu were introduced in this paper.Bore pile and drainage project combinated with pressuregrouting engineering were carried out,and the comprehensive treatment gained goo 文摘:概述成都市长安垃圾场2#倾倒平台滑坡的整治手段,实施钻孔灌注桩与疏排水相结合的压浆工程,采取的综合治理措施,获得了良好的治理效果,既可根治滑坡,又能满足2#平台的使用要求。
Abstract: Tri-ordinate measuring machine is an efficient measuring instrument. 摘要:三坐标测量机是一种高效率测量仪器。
Abstract: Trigger circuit, power supply circuit, clocking circuit and reset circuit are the main circuits on the main board. 摘要:触发电路、供电电路、时钟电路、复位电路是主板上最主要的电路。
Abstract: Trotsky's literary thought had affected Lu Xun in 1920 and 1930s when Lu Xun was constructing his own literary view on revolution literature and comrade-going-on-the-same-way literature. 文摘:托洛茨基的文艺思想对鲁迅产生了明显的影响,这主要表现在20、30年代鲁迅的“革命文学”观和“‘同路人’文学”观的形成过程中。
Abstract: Twenty-one cases of hypersplenism with portal hypertension were treated with partial splenic embolization. 文摘:对21例门静脉高压脾功能亢进患者进行了部分性脾栓塞治疗。

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