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Ecological reconstruction of large opencut coal mine through ectomycorrhizal biotechnology.

A new species of the genus Odontobuis (Pisces,Odontobutidae)from China 中国沙塘鳢属(Odontobutis)鱼类之一新种(鲈形目:沙塘鳢科)
Cloning and Sequence Analysis of a Flower-specific Expression Promoter PchsA 花特异表达启动子PchsA的克隆及其序列分析
Effects of Water Stress on Physiology and Biochemistry of Two Terrestrial Flowers 水分胁迫对两种旱生花卉生理生化的影响
The Scientific Frontiers of Sleep Research 睡眠研究的科学前沿
Advances in Sperm Capacitation 精子获能的研究进展
Ecological reconstruction of large opencut coal mine through ectomycorrhizal biotechnology. 外生菌根真菌在大型露天煤矿生态修复中的应用研究
Development of the antibacterial peptides 抗菌肽研究进展
Changes of Cell Membrance Lipid Peroxidation and Activities of Antioxidant Enzyme Systems of Ceratophyllum demersum L. in Combinative Pollution of Cd2 and Hg2 Cd2 、Hg2 复合污染下金鱼藻的细胞膜脂过氧化和抗氧化酶活性的变化
Advances in Identification and Detection of Brucella 布鲁氏菌鉴定和检测方法研究进展
Biological effects of free radicals and functions of scavengers for free radicals 自由基的生物学效应及自由基清除系统的功能特性
The process of karst rock-desertification,the feature of evolvement and its analysis of human-land conflict 喀斯特石漠化过程、演化特征与人地矛盾分析

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