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Calmer winds last night gave firefighters a much-needed break in battling the raging inferno. 昨晚的强冷风给予了在和怒火的作斗争的消防队员们一个好好休息的机会。
Calmness is an essential quality in doing many things. 冷静是做许多事情都需要的一个重要素质。
Calmness, detachedness and wit is the base of his humor. 超越于知识分子道德与名誉的功利欲求之外,这是他敢于幽默的原因。
Calmness,it's not big thing.You don't understand. 冷静点,它不是什么大事情。你不懂。
Calmodulin A Ca2+binding protein found in high levels in eukaryote cells. 钙调蛋白:在真核细胞中高水平存在的一种钙离子结合蛋白。
Calm,slow?gestures?and?slow?movements;? 尽量不戴首饰,要戴的话要非常小心;?
Calphalon Tri-ply Copper cookware's brushed copper exterior not only brings lustrous warmth and classic beauty to your home. 家富乐三铜锅的铜外表不仅让你的家充满灿烂的温暖和古典美,它也具有优良的传导和烹饪性能。
Calphalon Tri-ply Copper pans feature on inner core of pure, heavy-gauge aluminum. Aluminum is another highly conductive metal-and the thicker the aluminum, the more conductive the pan. 家富乐三铜锅有纯、粗导内芯。铝是另一种传导性能好的金属—铝越厚,锅的传导性能越好。
Caltrans officials earlier on Thursday began emergency structural inspections of 69 bridges across the state, many of them among the nearly 3,000 bridges that have been classified as structurally deficient,the same rating held by the collapsed Minneapolis 交通运输处周四一早就开始对横过这座城市的69座桥进行测查,它们中的一大部分被列为结构危机桥,和明尼阿波利斯坍塌的桥等级相同。
Calves are easily bound and slaughtered Never knowing the reason why . 牛儿任人捆缚宰割从来不知原因为何。
Calvin Klein hired starlet Brooke Shields to advertise his designer jean wear. 卡尔文·克莱因雇用童星波姬小丝替他所设计的牛仔裤做广告宣传。

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