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Norwich will be without the ineligible pair Simon Lappin and Mark Fotheringham. Adam Drury will return to replace Lappin, and Jason Shackell could play after recovering from an ankle injury.

Norwegian herring &mackerel's catch area, fishing methods, export situation to China, quality check, storage and nutrition value, flavour, cooking methods, marketing strategy in China. 挪威鲱鱼和鲭鱼的产地、捕捞方式、对中国市场的出口、质量鉴定、储藏、营养价值、口味、烹饪方法、在中国市场的推广战略。
Norwegian men's underwear company JBS has always been original in producing its ad campaigns. 男人不喜欢看男人的裸体)”,所以JBS男士内衣的广告也从这方面入手,将男性内衣和男性活动用女性来体现。
Norwegian pacifist and historian. He shared the1921 Nobel Peace Prize for his work as secretary-general of the Inter-Parliamentary Union(1909-1933). 兰格,多罗西雅1895-1965美国摄影师,以拍摄经济大萧条期间农业工人的纪实性照片而深入人心
Norwegians hold ski festivals here every year as religiously as their National Day. 每年在此举办的滑雪大赛就跟挪威的国庆一样热闹。
Norwegians' relationship with skis goes very far back in time: indeed it is not improbable that even the Vikings traversed Scandinavia on these wooden slats. 挪威人和滑雪渊源已久,的确,人们当时在这窄木条上穿越斯堪的纳维亚半岛不是不可能的。
Norwich will be without the ineligible pair Simon Lappin and Mark Fotheringham. Adam Drury will return to replace Lappin, and Jason Shackell could play after recovering from an ankle injury. 诺维奇队这边将失去拉宾与福瑟林汉.拉宾将被特鲁里替代,而贾森.夏凯尔也将从膝伤中恢复.
Nor—as he declared pointedly in one of many valedictory speeches last month—could a nation “make itself secure by seeking supremacy over all others”. 一如他在上个月许多临别演说之一中,直截了当宣称,一个国家“想通过寻求凌驾于所有他国之上的霸权,借此确保自身安全”也是徒劳的。
Nose gear (wheel\leg) collapsed on landing run, we need (immediate) help to evacuate passengers. 在落地滑跑中前轮折断,请立即派人帮助撤离旅客。
Nose is elegant and unctuous and evokes red fruits (raspberries, cherry) after maeration it develops light leather notes. 香气高雅却又讨喜耽欲,令人联想到覆盆子与樱桃的红甜。带皮冷浸的酿造过程更让酒香散发清幽淡雅皮革味。
Nose wheel is only half way down. 前轮仅仅放下一半。
Nose: A wide nose with bulbous sides is a sign of arrogance, while a flat nose means you lack confidence. 鼻子:鼻子宽大,鼻翼鼓出是傲慢的象征,而扁鼻子意味着你缺乏自信。

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