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Britain's saucy Benny Hill is known throughout the world for his racy humor, witty songs, and winning smile.

Britain's nearest neighbour is France. 英国最近的邻居是法国。
Britain's new monetary-policy model may be above board, but the resurgence in inflation naturally calls into question whether it is working. 英国新的货币政策模式虽然是公开性的,但是通胀的复苏自然让人怀疑它是否奏效。
Britain's newest amphibious car took a test drive on Wednesday, zooming back and forth across the waters of the Thames River in pure James Bond style. 英国最新水陆两栖跑车于周三进行了运行测试,跑车高速往返于泰晤士河面上,极具影星詹姆士邦德之风采。
Britain's queen and Prince Philip were treated to a formal arrival ceremony on the White House South Lawn, complete with a marching fife-and-drum corps. 在白宫南草坪上,布什为英女王及其丈夫菲利普亲王举行了隆重的欢迎仪式,仪式最后美国军乐队还接受了女王的检阅。
Britain's response to all this is worth especial study. 英国应对这些问题的方法尤其值得我们学习。
Britain's saucy Benny Hill is known throughout the world for his racy humor, witty songs, and winning smile. 英国帅哥班尼希尔以他的可爱幽默在世界扬名,诙谐的歌曲,动人的微笑。
Britain's schools are in a mess. 整个英国的学校体制正处于混乱状态。
Britain's textile industry has declined markedly especially in the cotton 、jute and linen production. 英国纺织业德显著衰退尤其表现在棉布、黄麻和亚麻布的生产上。
Britain's three favourite words are love, serendipity and family, according to a charity effort to build a wall of words. 英国一项建造“词语墙”的慈善活动发现,爱、意外的发现和家庭三个词在英国最受青睐。
Britain, America and Holland were soon beaten at the first stage of the Pacific War, and had to retreat from the Southeast Asia. 摘要太平洋战争初期,英美荷在东南亚战场节节失利,一度被日本赶出了东南亚。
Britain, Spain and Lithuania have also failed to sign the treaty, which seeks to prevent human trafficking by encouraging victims to turn in the criminals that enslave them. 英国、西班牙和立陶宛也没有签署公约,该公约旨在通过鼓励受害人告发那些奴役他们的罪犯来防范人口贩卖。

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