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Some regions, vie with each other in takethe Fo lanas priceless treasure, be worth very high Orchids.

Some redneck beat up some noisy college student at the pub. 一些观念狭隘保守的人在酒吧里痛揍一些喧闹的大学生。
Some rednecks beat up some noisy college students at the pub. 一些观念狭隘保守的人在酒吧里痛揍一些喧闹的大学生。
Some reflection about the material culture or prehistoric and pre-industrial peoples may help to show what I mean. 一些关于具体的文化或史前的和工业化前人们的资料可以帮我说明我的观点。
Some refugees were turned away. There were too many hungry mouths to feed already. 一些难民们被打发走了,因为需要提供食物的饥民太多了。
Some refuges should be close to shore, to protect coastal species; others must be large and offshore, to shield oceanic fishes. 有些庇护所应靠近海岸,以保护沿岸物种;其馀的应要大範围且位于远海以保护海洋鱼类。
Some regions, vie with each other in takethe Fo lanas priceless treasure, be worth very high Orchids. 一些地区,争相以“佛兰”为无价之宝,价值极高的兰花。
Some relationships are supposed to end; there are some relationships the world is better off without. Remember Crippen? 有些关系还是结束为好;有些关系不存在的话,对整个世界都有好处。还记得那个杀妻犯吗?
Some relative technical constraints have been considered, such as power balance, hydro/thermal power balance, construction start and power commencement date. 以电源投资费用等年值最小为目标函数,结合相关技术约束(电力平衡、水火电平衡、电源投产/电厂开工时间)条件,克服了组合爆炸问题。
Some relatives of police and firefighter victims want their loved ones' names to be grouped by company or battalion. 一些在袭击事件中牺牲的警察和消防员们的亲属希望他们挚爱的亲人的名字能够按照他们所属的公司或部队排在一起。
Some religions—most notably Islam, Latter-day Saints, the Nikaya and most Mahayana schools of Buddhism and some Protestant sects of Christianity—forbid or discourage the consumption of alcoholic beverages for these and other reasons. 有些宗教-比较明显的是伊斯兰教,耶稣基督后期圣徒教会,尼柯耶和大部分大乘佛教学校和基督教中的新教徒-由于这些原因和一些其他原因禁止或者阻碍饮酒。
Some remarkable corporations is his vital customers such as Founder Group﹑Lenovo Group﹑YuanCheng Group Co.,Ltd.﹑Derviser Group﹑CEC、Cigarette Factory of Huanshan 、Cigarette Factory of Hunhe、China Mobile、China Unicom、Sinopec、Changyu、Wine of Heijiaozi、Himin 服务过的客户有方正集团,联想集团,远成集团,德力集团,中国电子,黄山烟厂,大红鹰集团,红河烟厂,中国移动,中国联通,中国石化,张裕干红,黑娇子酒,皇明太阳能等。

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