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“Although I have had three or four good training sessions, you are still a little bit nervous because you can't replicate a game.

“Almost ready! Ouch, my neck.” Perry was doing some exercises. He was full of interests to go to south. “ I'm coming now. “就快搞定了!哦,我的头。”派瑞正在做准备运动。它对它的头一次南方之旅充满了期待。“我快来了!”
“Aloha!” she says. Outside, a warm sea breeze blows, and the sun is shining. With friendly locals, great weather, and beautiful scenery, Hawaii really is paradise1 in the Pacific. “阿罗哈!”她说道。机场外,一阵温暖的海风吹过,灿烂的阳光照耀大地。当地和善的居民、宜人的天气加上美丽如画的风景,夏威夷真是太平洋上的乐园。
“Already three years ago we worked in this task that offers joy to the Colombian infants, when taking to him sport elements and fields to its schools”. “我们致力于这一事业已经有三年了,我们希望帮助哥伦比亚的儿童获得接受教育和从事体育训练的机会。”
“Alright, drive carefully.” Her concern could not hide the disappoint. 『好吧!开车小心。』她语气中掩不住一丝失望。
“Also, I want a V-chip installed in every executive to block access to channels of negative thought. “另外,我想在每一个执行者的大脑内装一个V形芯片,阻止他们的一些负面想法。”
“Although I have had three or four good training sessions, you are still a little bit nervous because you can't replicate a game. “尽管我已经连续参加了3-4场的训练课,但是你知道,我还是感到担忧,我的身体能否经得起比赛的检验。
“Although models of intermittent criticality might promise improved methods for intermediate-term earthquake prediction, we must be careful not to overstate their claims. “尽管间歇性危险状态模型有可能对中期地震预测提供改进的方法,我们必须注意不要夸大其声称的作用。”
“Although the exact contents of this email will remain private, in general terms it addressed some refereeing issues which have arisen this season. 虽然这封信从内容上说是私人性质的,它还是含糊的指出了这个赛季出现的一些裁判问题。
“Although the sky is blue in June, there are bluer skies ahead. 虽然六月的天很蓝,但更蓝的天还在后面。
“Although we all concentrated on a common goal at work, we still couldn't make our boss spontaneously combust. “尽管我们大家在工作上把全部精力都集中于一个共同目标上,可是至今我们仍未能让我们的老板自焚。”
“Aluminium information”,top magazine, has recently become the landmark for those operating in the aluminium world, richer and richer with information about current affairs, production processes, technologies, applications, research, design, events, quotat 《铝业商情》定位于市场,紧贴市场,力求迅速、准确地向铝业各界人士及采购商提供最新、最全面的企业信息、产品信息和市场信息,为铝型材制造商、经销商和采购商提供一个信息交流的平台。

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