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The Manager sent for Mr Jackson who said to his colleague,while I am in the lion's den, will you finish these letters for me?

The Managed Level Principle: For an organization to mature beyond the level of defined processes, it must base decisions on quantitative measures of its processes and products so that objectivity can be attained. 已管理级原则:对于过程已定义,正在向成熟转化的组织,它必须基于对过程和产品的量化度量值来作出决策,以达到组织的目标。
The Management Committee is responsible for the daily business of the Association. It prepares the annual report and the budget for the General Assembly. 管理委员会负责处理协会的日常工作,包括准备年度报告和会员大会预算。
The Management Committee shall be entitled to establish internal rules of procedure for the Association as long as those rules do not conflict with any of the provisions of the present Statutes. 管理委员会有权制定协会的内部议事规则,这些规则不能与现行章程相抵触。
The Management Committee will arrange for interview of applicants if necessary. 管理委员会于必要时得约申请人面谈。
The Management Department takes on positon training of scientific management cadres. 管理系承担对科技管理干部岗位培训的任务。
The Manager sent for Mr Jackson who said to his colleague,while I am in the lion's den, will you finish these letters for me? 经理派人去请杰克逊先生,杰克逊先对其同事说,“我去龙潭虎穴后,你能帮我把这些信写完吗?”
The Manager shall hold a monthly meeting of staff members, where the complaints and suggestions received during the month and the redressal action taken will be discussed. 分行经理应当每月举行一次全体员工会议,在会上讨论当月收到的投诉和建议,以及采取的补救措施。
The Managing Committee Of West Laodong Road Project,Changsha?dispute of debt, amount at issue about¥79700000. 长沙市劳动西路工程建设指挥部债务纠纷,标的约7970万元。
The Managing Director suggested to the Board that the best way of obtaining capital for the expansion program should be to sell me company's headquarters to a finance house and then lease them back. 总经理向董事会建议筹措资金以实现发展计划的最好办法莫过于把公司总部的产权卖给一家金融机构,然后再租回来使用。
The Managing Partners of us have completed over two dozen manufacturing company acquisitions with an aggregate enterprise value in excess of $320 million. 公司的管理合伙企业以超过3.2亿的企业总价值,收购了24个制造公司。
The Manchester City man impressed all evening, but the same cannot be said of a short of confidence Paul Robinson, who was badly at fault for Kevin Kuranyi's leveller midway through the half. 这位曼彻斯特城的球员整个晚上都很耀眼,而不能说有一点自信的保罗.罗宾逊也是这样,他的低级失误让凯文.库兰伊在上半场的中段就扳平了比分.

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