A black hole exerts very strong gravitational pull.
黑洞产生很强的引力。 |
A black hole is gravity gone mad, nothing can ever escape.
黑洞等同于地心引力大失控,一切都难逃一劫. |
A black hole weighs as much as a massive star but it's crammed into an area smaller than a pea.
黑洞的重量宛如一颗巨星的重量,但是它却能自己的体积压缩得如同一颗豌豆一般小. |
A black horse was on the inside track at the start of the race.
赛马一开始,一匹黑马便一马当先,冲到内圈。 |
A black market in foreign currency already exists as speculation persists that the government, unable to meet its obligations, may be forced to devalue.
因有人认为政府将无力履行义务可能不得不使货币贬值,因此外汇黑市仍旧存在。 |
A black plum is as sweet as a white.
乌梅白梅一样甘甜。管它黑猫白猫,抓到老鼠便是好猫。 |
A black sash relieves a white gown.
白色的长袍上配上黑色的腰带更显洁白。 |
A black shawl is the most versatile cover-up accessory for evening wear.
一条黑色披巾是晚礼服的最佳搭配装饰。 |
A black sheep rests in a field in Fresno in the US state of California.
一只黑绵羊在美国加州夫勒斯诺市的田野上小歇片刻. |
A black swan is rare.
黑天鹅很稀有。 |
A black thunder storm inside the white clouds.
在白云中的黑色风暴。 |