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Besides, whatever strategic advantage America stands to gain in Lebanon by giving Israel time to win is liable to be cancelled out by the corresponding drubbing America will receive in public opinion everywhere else in the Arab world, not least in Iraq.

Besides, we explore if switching cost have the positive moderating effects on relationship between trust and relationship continuity. 此外,本研究亦探讨转换成本对信任与关系持续之间的干扰情形。
Besides, we have Women's Day, Labor Day, and the National Day. 此外,我们有妇女节、劳动节和国庆节。
Besides, we have every faith in that all the energies in the world will be replaced by solar energy one day! 我们有理由相信有一天世界上的其他能源将由太阳能所取代。
Besides, we invited Soprano who stayed in Japan, Germany Iap Kun-Gi and Tenor Au Siu-Hiong to sing the song, pianist Ong Ai-Lun and Kho Keng-Koan, to create this CD solemnly and strictly, texts inside has been using Roman punctuation as to make it easier 此外,更邀集留学德、日的女高音叶君仪及男高音欧秀雄演唱,钢琴家王爱伦与许景涓伴奏,精心严谨的录制【月娘半屏圆】CD;歌词加注罗马拼音,以利世人的传唱。
Besides, we must make sure of more effective utilization of foreign capital. 此外,我们要确保更有效地利用外资。
Besides, whatever strategic advantage America stands to gain in Lebanon by giving Israel time to win is liable to be cancelled out by the corresponding drubbing America will receive in public opinion everywhere else in the Arab world, not least in Iraq. 除此以外,美国给以色列时间获取在黎巴嫩取胜的任何战略优势都有可能遭到相关的阿拉伯世界,而不仅仅是伊拉克反美民意鞭挞的抵消。
Besides, when I take a W.P.A. insurance, that is, with particular average, I should think the risk of breakage is included. 由于信用证两天内就要到期,来不及写信要求做出更详细的说明。
Besides, when asked if medical doctor will be at HK Coliseum taking care of Ah Mui, Cheung Yiu Wing said: [Not necessary. 此外,问张耀荣会否请医生驻守红馆照顾阿梅,他说︰「唔使!
Besides, whereas a number of serious communicable diseases have been overcome, other causes of mortality, such as traffic accidents, are on the rise and represent a new challenge for Chinese society. 虽然一些重大传染疾病在儿童中的传播被控制在很低的水平,其它造成儿童死亡的诱因如交通事故等正呈上升趋势,这为中国社会提出了新的挑战。
Besides, who trusts someone who has neer made mistakes? 此外,谁会相信某人从来没有犯过错误?
Besides, who trusts someone who has never made mistakes? 此外,谁会相信某人从来没有犯过错误?

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